‘ngredienti |
Farina, 6 ova, un quarto d’ojo de totari, mezzo chilo de zuccaro, 1 limone grattato, 3 etti de zuccaro granella
Ingredients |
6 eggs, ¼ maize oil, flour, 1 kg sugar, 1 grated
lemon peel, 300 grams granulated sugar |
Ciambelle pe’ i sposi, grandi e piccole |
E diè d’ammassà ‘a farina, ova, zuccaro, ojo de totari e dopo e diè ‘nzuccarà co’ ‘a granella.
E ciambelle se coceno e decidi tu quanno so’ cotte.
(Sig.ra Anna)
Wedding's Doughnuts
Make a pastry of flour, sugar, eggs and maize oil. Prepare
the doughnuts in the shape of a ring and bake them. |
‘ngredienti |
Brocculetti de rape, patane, ajo, ojo, sale, peperunginu
Ingredients |
Sprouting broccoli, potatoes, garlic, oil, salt, capsicum |
Frittata patane e brocculetti |
Lessi ‘e patane sane e a parte lessi i brocculetti. Peli e squaji ‘e patane, schiacci i brocculetti co’ ‘o passatutto. Soffriggi ‘npadella ajo, ojo, peperunginu, po’ metti patane e brocculetti co’ ‘o sale. ‘Npasta tuttu co’ ‘na cucchiara e còci pe’ dieci minuti. Pe’ urtimu pia ‘npiatto e rivorta ‘a frittata. Bevice sopra ‘nber bicchiere de vino rosso.
(Sig.ra Angela)
Omelette with potatoes and broccoli
Boil the broccoli and the potatoes separately. Peel and
mash the potatoes, and the broccoli with the vegetable mill.
Sauté oil, garlic and capsicum and add potatoes and
broccoli. Mix and let these ingredients fry for 10 minutes.
You will obtain a sort of omelette. |
‘ngredienti |
1 chilu farina, 3 ova, zuccaro, cannella, vanijina, burro, ojo de totari, limone grattato, lievitu de casa o de birra
Ingredients |
1 kg flour, 3 eggs, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla,
butter, maize oil, grated lemon peel, yeast |
A pizza cresciuta de Pasqua |
Tre giorni prima ammassi ‘npo’ de farina co’ o lievitu finchè è acida. Poi ce metti ova, zuccaro e l’artra farina.
‘A fai riposà ventiquattr’ore e poi ‘a lavori co’ tutti ‘ngredienti e ‘a metti a cresce pe’ cinque, sei ore. Poi, a fornu lento, fai còce pe’ quaranta, quarantacinque menuti.
E doppo t’a magni e te bevi ‘nbicchiere de vinu bianco o de vermutte.
A Pasqua fa’ colazione co’ ‘a pizza, l’ova sode e ‘o salame corallina e ‘nbicchieretto de vermutte bianco.
(Sig.ra Maria)
Easter cake
Mix some flour with the yeast. After three days, when it
will be sour add the remaining flour, the eggs and the sugar.
Let it rising and after 24 hours, add all the other ingredients
to this pastry then let it rising for other 5-6 hours. Bake
it for 45 minutes. The morning of the Easter Day eat this
cake together with hard-boiled eggs and salami. This cake
is very good if eaten together with a glass of white vermouth. |