Ambiente> Marino
Woods and Parks
Parco Colonna


Ancestors of the Colonna Family was the Gens Iulia, and this justifies their possession of territories in the Rome's southern area. The family wished to create this park to celebrate the sacral atmosphere of this place. There were two inspiring reasons to create the Parco Colonna once named “Barco”, an Italian word meaning hunters' paradise, one linked to the sacral atmosphere an the other linked to the idea of the renaissance garden with enclosure walls and with animals to shoot. Thanks to the renaissance conception it was possible to maintain this wood unmodified; it consists of several kinds of trees with caduceus broadleaves.
The Colli Albani and the whole volcano's area was characterized by thick woods with several kinds of trees, an example of which is Parco Colonna, who survived to the undiscriminating introduction of chestnuts during the 17th century. Parco Colonna belongs to a Natural Reserve within the Parco Regionale dei Castelli Romani, covering an area of 25 hectares.

Area's Natural Characteristics
Among the architectonic ruins within the park, there are huge exemplars of white hornbeams having exceptional sizes. One these hornbeam trees can be considered a sort of “patriarch”: it reaches an height of 30 metres and it has more than 1-metre-long diameter, perhaps one of the hugest hornbeams in Italy. Very beautiful are also the maples, the greatest of which reaches an height of 20 metres. Undergrowth consists of the Coronilla emerus and the spindle trees, whose fruits' shape reminds that of the priest's cap “nicchio” with three tips, and in Italian it is calleed vulgarly “berretto del prete”, meanining priest's cap. There is also the Job's tears, a plant protected by the Law L.R. of the 19 September 1974, no.61, whose seeds, were used for rosary strings. There is also the Cistus rooted over peperino stones, whose leaves are similar to those of the sage. As it is a public garden the only animals that can be seen and heard are the birds; they are very numerous: during summer there is the Jynks Torquilla, an unusual woodpecker which climbs along trunks and does not excavate nesting cavities. It seems a passerine but when it finds in danger moves the head and the neck “snaking” and therefore in Italian it is called vulgarly “torcicollo” a word that means: wryneck.
Among the woodpecker's kinds there is the red dendrocupus major, drilling the wood and eating pine seed, it succeed in fixing pine cones on trunks so that it can eat pine seeds more easily. There is also a kind of woodpecker, a small passerine, moving upside-down along the trunks. Where undergrowth is thicker there is the leaf warbler, a small bird eating insects, which can be recognized for its chirp, that sounds like a ciff-ciaff, ciff-ciaff.

The Parco Colonna finds near the stadium in via Ferentum.

Roads and Public Transports
By car: From Rome cross the S.S. 7 Via Appia (slip-road 23 of G.R.A.), cross the via dei laghi (S.S. 217) towards Marino. After the Ferentano woods, there is a crossroads at the km 6,500 of via dei laghi, where you have to turn to the left, and after 400 metres near the Gregorian Bridge there is Parco Colonna. You can park in Largo Negroni, at a distance of 100 metres from the entrance.
By train: There is a train starting each hour from Rome. It will take you 30 minutes to reach Marino. For information on train timetable call the phone number 848888088 or visit the web page The railway station is at a distance of 1,5 kilometers from the entrance to the wood.
By Bus: Rome-Marino-via dei laghi (Cotral bus service phone number 800431784, phone number 067222153) from the underground station ‘Anagnina' of the Linea A. It will take you about 30 minutes to reach the bus stop “Stadium”.

Botany, fauna

The wood is always open. For information phone to the Associazione Pro-Loco di Marino, Via Palazzo Colonna, 7, phone number O69385555.

Tourist signs

Further Information
Web sites:,, :,
Books: Bassani P., Cantiani G.P., 1997. L’ambiente naturale del Vulcano Laziale. Ed. XI Townstà Montana del Lazio “Castelli Romani e Prenestini”, Rocca Priora (RM); Bassani P., Lotti L., 1992. Alberi e arbusti del Parco Regionale dei Castelli Romani. Casa editrice del Parco dei Castelli Romani, Rocca di Papa (RM); AA.VV., 1996.

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