Ambiente> Marino
Woods and Parks
The Ferentano woods


It is difficult to resist the beauty of this place particularly during the Spring when the undergrowth is characterized by various colours, such as the blue of the periwinkle's flowers, and the double coloured anemone. Walking through the paths of one of the last, very well – preserved Colli Albani's woods it is possible to see different kinds of secular trees. There is even the quercus peduncolata, one of the less common oaks in the volcano's zone. The woods consisting of different types of trees characterized this place till the 17th century when chestnuts began to be planted, reducing the presence of other types of trees. In the past the chestnut three was an essential source of life for people living on the hill, as its fruits, were very important from the alimentary point of view and therefore it was called the “bread tree”. The Ferentano wood belongs to a natural reserve within the Parco Regionale dei Castelli Romani, covering an area of 22 hectares.

Area's Natural Characteristics
The Ferentano woods consist of very ancient and great hornbeams, lindens, maples, elm and oaks, among which there are lindens reaching an height of 26 metres, and a girth of 4 metres, and maples with their red leaves during autumn. There is also a Rhamus alaternus, with an height of 4,5 metres and a girth of 45 cm. It is a very ancient plant. The rhamus alaternus or “legno puzzo” is an evergreen bush, whose Italian nickname is due to the unpleasant smell of its wood when is cut.
Among the undergrowth plants there is the Job's tears, which was typical of the ancient woods, protected by the Regional Law 19 settembre 1974 no. 61. Among the herbaceous plants there are: the evergreen periwinkle and its blue flowers, and the Anemone. The Ferentano wood hosts a lot of birds: the woodpecker, the picus virdis, whose presence is marked by its chirp similar to a laugh, the dendrocopus major, whose presence is marked by the oval nesting cavities along trunks and the tree-creeper, a passerine that climbs along trunks seeking for food following an oval movement. There are two other kinds of birds of small size (10 cm) that perhaps only expert bird-watchers are able to see: the Regulus ignicapillis, that builds its nest right in this area, and the golden-crested kinglet (during the winter season). Among the mammals, there is a very pleasant animal: the hedgehog covered with stiff spines.

The entrance to the Ferentano's wood is on via dei laghi (S.S. 217, km 6.100), before the town of Marino.

Roads and Public Transports
By car: From Rome cross the S.S. 7 Via Appia (slip-road 23 of G.R.A.), cross the via dei laghi (S.S. 217) towards Marino, when you reach the 16,100 km, 500 metres after the crossroads with via Spinabella, there is on the left the wood's entrance. You can park in front of the entrance's gate.
By train: There is a train starting each hour from Rome. It will take you 30 minutes to reach Marino. For information on train timetable call the phone number 848888088 or visit the web page The railway station is at 700-metres-distance from the entrance to the wood.
By Bus: Rome-Marino-via dei laghi (Cotral bus service phone number 800431784, phone number067222153) from the underground station ‘Anagnina' of the Linea A. It will take you about 30 minutes to reach the bus stop “Bosco Ferentano”.

Botany, fauna

The wood is free and always open. There is an area with tables and seesaws and swings, and explanatory boards. For information phone to the Parco Regionale dei Castelli Romani, at villa Barattolo, Via C. Battisti n.5, 00040 Rocca di Papa (Roma), phone number 069495253/5 - fax 069495254.

Tourist signs
absence of indications along the roads. There are several explanatory boards within the wood.

Further Information
Web sites:,, :,
Books: Bassani P., Cantiani G.P., 1997. L’ambiente naturale del Vulcano Laziale. Ed. XI Townstà Montana del Lazio “Castelli Romani e Prenestini”, Rocca Priora (RM); Bassani P., Lotti L., 1992. Alberi e arbusti del Parco regionale dei Castelli Romani. Casa editrice del Parco dei Castelli Romani, Rocca di Papa (RM); AA.VV., 1996.

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