Ambiente> Marino
Woods and Parks
Cave di peperino


Imagine to travel on a time machine and to see how the via dei laghi was 100.000, or 50.000 years ago. The scenery would be that of a film: volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and explosions. A sensational show: an atmosphere rich in gases, a temperature reaching 300°C near the lava, and rains of different materials, i.e. lapilli, scoriae and ashes. These detritus transported by a muddy masses, after years of sedimentation generated that volcanic stone named “peperino”. Quarries of this type of stone, no more exploited, can be seen near the town of Marino, along the via dei laghi.

Area's Natural Characteristics
The history of the “laziale” volcano began 600.000 years ago, with geological events and an eruptive activity, that can be divided into three stages: the first two stages concerning the volcano in the zones: Tuscolano-Artemisio and Campi di Annibale; during this stages the eruptions were very intense, reaching a distance of 300 kilometres. After these two stages, there was the third one whose eruptions were similar to a nuclear explosion. Stones and, rocks and other materials were launched in the sky. The poured out rocks formed the craters, now covered by the two lakes. These materials fell not only in the craters but also in the surroundings creating the peperino stone. The several eruptions which took place determined the different peperino layers. The volcano's activity ended 20.000 years ago.

The Quarries finds in via cave di peperino, near Marino's railway station.

Roads and Public Transports
By car: From Rome cross the S.S. 7 Via Appia (slip-road 23 of G.R.A.), cross via dei laghi (S.S. 217) towards Marino, when you reach the 5,600 km of via Appia, at the crossroads with via Spinabella, turn to the left on via Cave di Peperino and after 200 metres it is possible to see the Quarries on the right. The car can be parked near the public gardens.
By train: There is a train starting each hour from Rome. It will take you 30 minutes to reach Marino. For information on train timetable call the phone number 848888088 or visit the web page The railway station is at a distance of 100 metres from the railway station.
By Bus: Rome-Marino-via dei laghi (Cotral bus service phone number 800431784, phone number 067222153) from the underground station ‘Anagnina' of the Linea A. It will take you about 30 minutes to reach the bust stop on via Spinabella.


For information phone to the Associazione Pro-Loco di Marino, Via Palazzo Colonna, 7, phone number 069385555. During Christmas period, a very suggestive crib with real persons is represented in the grottos of the quarries.

Tourist signs
There are not tourist signs, but only explanatory boards near the quarries.

Further Information
Web sites:,
Books: AA.VV., 1993. 14 Routes - Lazio. Guide geologiche regionali, vol. 5. Società Geologica Italiana, Roma.

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